Sunday, August 26, 2012

Plastic Man Based

I had thought that I had posted a picture of this last week, but I guess I didn't. Here is Plastic Man with a base coat of which colors I am going to use. I do this just so I can make sure that everything looks right and I know which direction I am heading.

To be honest,this is one of the more satisfying characters I have done. I will unfortunately be leaving town for a little bit and won't be able to finish painting til next week.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Transmetropolitan #43

Great cover by a fantastic artist. John Cassaday really makes this cover pop. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Plastic Man Primed

Here is the old chap, primed and ready for paint. I am hoping to put up pictures of him with a base coat by Thursday. Sorry for the short post but we just got the DVD of Hunger Games and I must watch!!!!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Thor #353

I am thinking that it might be fun on Fridays to share a favorite comic book cover from my past. We will start with the first comic series that I started reading, the Mighty Thor. This was done by the imcomparable Walter Simonson. Enjoy!!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Plastic Man take 4

Been keeping at it and have a few more pictures to show the progress. I have gotten the basic shape completed and have carved out a few features. I will be now be spending more time on his shirt and giving more definition to his facial features. This part can take a wee bit longer than just cutting away on the general shape.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Bad Comics

So today is Wednesday. A day typically filled with amazement and wonder. It is the summit of the week, a day closer to my weekly podcast with some buds, and of course, new comics. I will have to say that I only had one comic come out today that I had wanted to pick up. Pretty good for me. This means that I am not over-spending and that I have trimmed the fat off of my monthly read list.
This brings me to my point for today. We all have comics that we absolutely love and look forward to reading each month, but what about those comics that get pushed to the bottom of the "must-read" pile? Why are those comics still being purchased? I have no clear answer due to the fact that I have one of those books that I spend my money on every single month. I would be better of by saving that $3 or by throwing it out the window on the drive to the comic shop. My comic? Green Arrow. Just typing the name fills me with mixed emotions. Longing for the days when I enjoyed reading this title and now wanting to gouge my eyeballs out with a grapefruit spoon as I read the current issues.
So why do we as comic readers continue to put ourselves through this pain? Could it be that we actually like complaining about every single panel and scrutinizing every word? I like to think that we are stuck on how things used to be or that we don't want to miss it when it gets better. It is for all of these reasons that I continue on with the crappiest book on the market. Painful reading? Check. Hate the artwork and writing? Check. Missing the "glory days"? Check. Preparing for the dawning of a great run? To be honest,I do not care if it ever gets better. DC will be guaranteed my 3 bucks every month without fail. That is until they decide to cancel the book and then I can bitch about how the "MAN" got rid of the one character that I truly connected with.
What are the books that you read that you no longer enjoy? Don't be embarrassed, we all have them.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Plastic man Part 3

I had planned on getting more done than what I have, but that's the way it goes. I have a pic of the progress and must admit that this was not turning out the way that I had pictured it in my head. It is slowly starting to turn around and I am now seeing where I am heading. Does that make any sense at all? Here it is.
I hope to have more pictures later this week!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Plastic Man day 2

I did not get much of a chance to work on this today. That darn job kept getting in the way. Oh well, Rome wasn't built in a day and Plastic Man doesn't get carved that quickly either. I also did not realize how much wood I have to remove to get the full effect that I want. Here is how he looks today.

I have to look at it from the angle that this is what I wanted. I no longer wanted to spend all of my time doing pieces that take me a couple of days to complete, but rather something that will take me a couple of weeks. i will continue to chip away and keep posting my updates. I am super excited about how it looks in my head!

Monday, August 6, 2012

A Bit Stretchy

I have bought a new piece of giant wood and would like to show it to you.
Bam! There it is. For some reason lately, I love to show the before picture. It is so purty before I start going after it with a knife. I have been feeling as though I have become tapped as to which characters I have left to do that I actually like. (No, I am pretty sure I am not going to do Captain America.) I had reached out to a bud for some help in picking the next piece. While he came up with some fantastic picks, (Cerebus, Thanos, and the Crow) I had already decided what it will be. Drumroll please.......
That's right!!!! Strech Armstrong!! Wait, nope. That's not right. It is of course Plastic Man! Everyone's favorite guy who can...stretch? I have no idea what made me think of Plastic Man, but I am pretty sure it will be a fun time trying to put him into wood form.
What I am wondering is what is his deal? I know he can stretch, but what else can he do? Where did he get his powers from? I know I can look it up on the internet but wher is the fun in that? Please let me know if you have any information on the enigma known as PLASTIC MAN!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Hawkeye Done

Well, here it is. I have finally finished the huge Hawkeye that I was working on. I would also like to state that I did not wait for the release of these photos to coincide with the release of the new Hawkeye series by Matt Fraction and David Aja. i do have to say that when I was reading the synopsis of the new series, it had refered to Hawkeye as " The breakout star of this summer's blockbuster AVENGERS film". Really???? For me it was the Hulk. Breakout star? Hawkeye? Eh, I guess they have to try and pump up their comic. Anyhoo, here is a picture that I took on my not-so-high-tech phone. My wife was not available to use her fancy camera. Yes, the camera that I am not allowed to touch and also the camera that I do not know how to hook up to the computer to get the pictures off of it.
Here is the front view.
This photo was taken next to the normal size characters that I typically do. I did this to show the absolute hugeness of Hawkeye.
So now that I have this one done, I have to think of the next big one to do. I was thinking Black Panther or maybe Iron Man. My wife said no to Iron Man since I have done him before. Maybe she is right. I guess that I will have to find some new characters to do. And no, I am not going to do Captain America.