I have bought a new piece of giant wood and would like to show it to you.
Bam! There it is. For some reason lately, I love to show the before picture. It is so purty before I start going after it with a knife. I have been feeling as though I have become tapped as to which characters I have left to do that I actually like. (No, I am pretty sure I am not going to do Captain America.) I had reached out to a bud for some help in picking the next piece. While he came up with some fantastic picks, (Cerebus, Thanos, and the Crow) I had already decided what it will be. Drumroll please.......
That's right!!!! Strech Armstrong!! Wait, nope. That's not right. It is of course Plastic Man! Everyone's favorite guy who can...stretch? I have no idea what made me think of Plastic Man, but I am pretty sure it will be a fun time trying to put him into wood form.
What I am wondering is what is his deal? I know he can stretch, but what else can he do? Where did he get his powers from? I know I can look it up on the internet but wher is the fun in that? Please let me know if you have any information on the enigma known as PLASTIC MAN!
He ate too much Laffy Taffy.