Monday, April 30, 2012

Work in Progress

I think this is the first time that I have posted pieces that have not been completed being painted. It is kind of odd looking, but my way of painting is that after carving, I put down a very rough base coat. This enables me to remember where I am going with the paint. It also gives me an idea of what I like and where I would like to go in a different direction. I find that I can carve fairly well, at least well enough for the style that I like. The painting is still something that I have to stay on myself with. I used to spend alot of time painting Warhammer models and this type of painting is similar. I don't have as much detail as those models, but I still use the same painting techniques. Here are some pictures of my new obsession, Avatar! I have two different Aangs and a Zuko. There is one run-of-the-mill Aang and another in his Avatar state.

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